SoftMetal Demo Platform

This is a demo version. None of the deals concluded on the platform will lead to an obligation nor a commitment from your side or your counterparts.

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Platform News

Access World Terminals B.V. has joined SoftMetal

As of July 10th, 2024, Access World Terminals B.V. has joined as a registered warehouse on SoftMetal. Now, our current and potential clients can put material stored with Access World in Norther Europe on offer on SoftMetal, sell/buy/trade or deenferumize and deliver to their customers.

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Fastmarkets 39th International Ferroalloys 2023 Conference

Productive days at Fastmarkets 39th International Ferroalloys 2023 Conference in Prague. We are greatful to our partners for constructive and beneficial meetings, opportunity to make introduction to SoftMetal, and to explain all the functionalities and innovations it provides for alloys market. Let's stay in touch and hope to see even more participants during the future conferences.

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First deal on SoftMetal

We are excited to announce that the first deal on SoftMetal was concluded for Low Grade High Carbon Ferrochrome (Cr content between 60-65%). Traded in a confidential and secure environment and with third party clearing & settlement. A digitized warehouse lot (ENFERUM) was on offer on the exchange on Thursday and was sold on Friday. Matched last Friday, it was consequently settled - paid and released for shipment - on Monday. Today a truck of FeCr is being loaded at the warehouse! The trade was executed and settled with the help of payment solution provider Vistra Escrow and Payment Services B.V and warehousing partner Euro-Rijn. This is a truly innovative transformation of trading and delivering metal and provides for truly supply and demand driven price discovery.

The Future of Computing is.. Confidential

Learn more about technology SoftMetal uses, numerous applications of this technology, not only for complex metals markets, but also for central banks. According to Forbes Confidential Computing is expected to have a significant impact on businesses and a good example of its use case is SoftMetal.

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SOFTMETAL – A smartphone in the world of metal market communications

SoftMetal brings advantages of exchange without being an exchange. It gives a tool for liquidity and market price discovery at the market of alloys and products with variable qualities and multicomponent evaluation nature. Instead of replicating an exchange on the market where method of standardized auction doesn’t fit, it gives a way to achieve even more, with similar level of confidence based on synergy of modern economical science and technological achievements. SoftMetal is not an exchange, while it gives to its customers all exchange advantages, it’s not a crypto or token project, while it contains all advantages of both approaches, neither it is an online shop, it is re-melt of all advantages as stainless steel is an alloy of iron, chrome and nickel. Like stainless steel is a unique alloy of iron, chrome and nickel, SoftMetal is a re-melt of technology and methods developed by exchanges, token platforms, physical commodities trade best practices and modern auction theory study. But it is as different from its prototypes as smartphone compared to push-button phone attached to tv antenna by a piece of duct tape.

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Corporate Update

Demo version is currently available and Going Live is expected in H2 2023

Market Updates

European Quarterly Benchmark for Q4 2023

Merafe Resources (a 20.5% FeCr joint with venture with Glencore in South Africa) has announced European Quarterly Benchmark for Q4 2023, which has been increased to 1.53 USD per lb/cr, or up by 1.32% Q vs Q

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Baosteel has rolled-over high-carbon ferrochrome Bidding Price for October 2023

After a decent price increase in September, Baosteeel has rolled-over FeCr Bidding for October 2023

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Handicaped in heaven

Understanding supply/demand balance as well as market dynamics has become even more complicated and complex.

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Farewell to EQB

Merafe Resources has officially announced discontinuation of publishing its European Quarterly FeCr Benchmark (EQB), one of the leading indicators for FeCr market in Europe and globally for decades.

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Introduction to SoftMetal

Overview of SoftMetal with latest developments and future goals

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Ferrochrome market Overview and SoftMetal advatanges

Brief overview of Ferrochrome Pricing Mechanisms and advantages of SoftMetal, that it provides for market of complex metals

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Why SoftMetal will be a useful trading tool for alloys metals market

With approaching launch of SoftMetal, we would like to give an overview of what benefits it will bring to the market especially to ferrochromium, ferroalloys, and other metals and ores.

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What advantages SoftMetal brings to metal alloy market by using Confidential Computing

Why market liquidity, transparency and confidentiality are important for complex metals markets and how SoftMetal can significantly improve those important aspects of the market.

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Too much of heaven, can bring you on the ground

While price for ferrochrome remains on a high level, there was no indication of new projects or investments. Another commodity saw inflow of investments and went from "undersupply" to "oversupply". What is that commodity and how it is similar to ferrochrome find in a link below.

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How can ferroalloys market benefit from ideas successfully implemented in telecom industry?

Alloys and some metals, including ferrochrome have many varieties to consider during market negotiations. Different grades and subgrades, puzzling indexes and definitions make price discovery challenging.

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A few highlights on SoftMetal trading principals and technology

SoftMetal is a powerful auction-exchange platform that allows multi-element metals, starting with ferrochrome to be bought and sold via secure trading. In a competitive landscape, the platform will provide you with rapid price discovery and a transparent spot price for ferrochrome.

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